zorkii with industar… fucking christ yes!!! lens chamber twattage, don’t fucking care if you care cuz I’m a selfish basterd about my own shots. The kids with the popsicles in front of independence hall.., the liberty bell from England.. but surrounding all the ancient artifacts, is the official parade of revisionist histrionics and fucking horse fucking shit critical race theory. The fucking pansy gloves of surreptitious ass licking pandering will only produce more disenchanted tribes. I like the masonry, the bricks. This fucking horde clamoring for recognition… show me what amazing works of technological democracy or SANITATION you built in the past 10,000 fucking years?? You didn’t. FACT. [See Malcolm’s coffee comments. toomuchrose.vivaldi.net ] You’ve been ponying around with cattle and grass fucking huts for the last 350,000 years and were satisfied with just that and ONLY that. In as short a phrase as plainly as possible. Fuck that and your fucking tribe. Like the cocksucker in front of the Barry statute, I fucking erase your visage from memory. You are an arrogant insignificant SPECK! blockhead. Stood there like it was HIS statue. You haven’t made shit motherfucker.

The motherfuckers have indeed made shit. Real shit. And it’s spreading everywhere, piling up up in mountains of stinking ordure. They wallow in the stuff. Who needs Michaelangelo when you can have shit? Fill the Vatican with shit and grind David into dust, tiny cock and all. Mother, they want to fuck you.
As for shit, they are adept at making it and not making it.
I fear for America in the hands of the democrats (an oxymoron if ever there was one). Old Joe can’t even put two words together without looking totally fazed and confused. Supporting anarchists and antichrists will bode evil for our former colony.
Now, as you mention the Liberty Bell, yes it was made in London. Cast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in 1752. As were most of the great bells across the world. Big Ben, Great Tom in Lincoln Cathedral, the Congress Bells in Washington and Bow Bells in St Mary-le-Bow, the very bells that denote whether one is a proper Cockney bastard, or not. I am a proper Cockney, and a bastard to boot. I was born at five minutes to midnight within the sound of the bells and at midnight my true Cockney heritage was confirmed. Ring the bells and celebrate, fuckers!
Bells from the Whitechapel Foundry are to be found in Churches across the civilised world. But no more will the foundry hum and ring to the sound of molten bronze being cast, no. The business is finished. Sold by the last owner to an American consortium, headed by someone with the risible name of Bippy Siegel, who will turn the building into a boutique hotel, with a couple of bells displayed in the lobby. After a long court case brought about by objectors, the government have decided that the hotel can go ahead. Truly, the barbarians are winning. London – and much of the civilised world – is being destroyed by cunts and philistines.
The fight must go on. The young must take up cudgels and beat back the rising tide of cuntishness and wokery.
To the ramparts!