Life is strong. A force always. The human lives have always gathered around water and pools, not unlike their mammalian, amphibian and reptilian cousins. Even though we crawled out of the primordial soup a couple billion years ago, we still return to the touchstone of water.
There is conjecture on both sides if not all arguments about life. Human is obsessed with origin, because the being-in-the-world forces us on an arrow with something more than sentience, a preponderance.

Fowler being ponderous. My friend and future self, the enmeshment is very nearly inescapable and unless you’re willing to cross the final threshold like Eastman and with a certitude that you’ve accomplished everything you came to do in this round, well… this Fowler from the past is letting you know, it’s okay to prattle on… because maybe, just maybe there is a purpose for this message, more than it appears to be.
Shanghai GP3 120 film, Bencini Koroll 24S with a fuct up lens. Off the wrist like Daido, feeling like Tichy on a high spring day. It’s ecstacy like a secret garden, like a secret fantasy I’ll share with no one but me.
There is another world in our skulls we dare not mention though we know it is there and all agree to never discuss it.
Shhh…. there is a gentle wind on the pines by the reservoir.