It's like a loopy looping song
You'll hear it over all day long
An eternally, spinning record
I'll bet you'll want to hear it again
My words are burning in your head
'cause I know, when I am wrong and I'm sorry that I ever tried
I'm sorry that I ever said
I went to get a number your wait
Unsettled things are never delayed
Submersible is floating someday
And I was pompous enough to believe
A person could be living without
Regrets or personality
'Cause I know when I am wrong and I'm sorry that I ever tried
I'm sorry that I ever tried
Show show show sh sh sh sh sh shsh shoulder
-----I saw your hair
I saw you with your shorter hair
we got down to it under the stairs
looking over your shoulder bared
An intimate moment we shared with the mops and the brooms
and a rusty bucket or two
'cause I know, when I am wrong and
I'm sorry that I ever tried
I'm sorry that I ever said
-----I saw your plane...
I saw your jet plane take off today
Adjusting thrust the pilot's okay
You couldn't eat a dismal replay
SOARING and ROARING your flight keeps on POURING
On miles that will be so between us
on doubts and ours are cast between us
And I know when I am wrong and
I'm sorry that I ever tried
I'm sorry that I ever tried
I landed in the Capitol Port
All bony sick and out of sorts
A flaming heart and out on the floor
And I was pompous enough to believe that I'd never feel alone again
(ya right!)
I'd never feel this terrible way
'Cause I know when i am wrong
And I'm sorry
That I ever tried
I'm sorry that I ever tried
A love of time, a love of mine
All 'board the filthy line
All pouring is a pour down hole
And I don't know what the hell I am doing in
Such a fever rotten pain
And I always remembered the things I dismembered and I'm sorry that I
I'm sorry I ever tried
maybe after all these years...
maybe after all these years...
after all these years...
Oh no you know
I never replaced it, I never junked the joyous photos
Breathing poison mentioned to go
A taste of your lips and I'm tasting your mist and I'm sorry that I ever
Sorry I ever tried
-----rain all day
it rained, it rained all day
I didn't want to go out and play
With crummy mud-balls, crummy desserts
I'd like you to know that I never will lift up the broken needle let it skip
the broken record LET IT SPIN
'Cause I know
When I am wrong and
Always try and always try
I almost always try

“this is set to scratchy music, if you’d like a copy of the song put your email in the comments below, I’ll send an mp3 attachment”