Love starts in the anguish of soil The waters of life flowing gently from cold streams Salt minerals the flow to the ocean on emoting violence Life is violence Silence Acquisition of another's all Whether into the orifice or out of the orifice Flows as such love hate bond separation bond Flows between the extremes in endless infinity A flipped strip
Life Decimates the Sunflowers and is The Sunflowers
Love like life is in opposition to itself always Sucking on itself, parasitical, symbiotic always craving more More More
Lines bend in diffraction to the will of the glass, the eye Sisters and brothers like visions on sun when the veins pop in eyes, brightly seeking
the day begins as it ends and the mother gives its due birth I wanted to return there, but she allows no passage back only tiny bits back before all is clawed away from you leaving bare naked to pure light, you travel yonder distant shores beckon calmly within the globe of infinite nothing