Last night the beautiful women of the nether populated my dreams. Two from recurring places. I can not say they are beautiful, but they are the soul partners to come or have come in this timeless universe. For this I feel blessed knowing that there are infinite layers to the universe AND desire.
Thank you Goddess.

My children in Watch Hill, where the have-not parade with themselves, for surely the haves do not ever step foot on this street of villainous purveyance. We were drawn there by less noble and hideous souls chasing a false idol of wealth and subterfuge, “family”. I cautioned my children that what they saw there represented not so much human interaction, but the enslavement of entire generations in corrupt financial obligations worse than the indentured servant!!! At least that servant could buy its fucking freedom with 7 years labour, whereas we present day time servants buy NONE! Our time endlessly paroled and dissected, partitioned and sold off. OH we do make fine fucking slaves indeed! All you cunts proclaiming liberty and anarchy are merely hackless propertyless servants of a greater overlord who owns your fucking collective pussy asses. You RENT everything and own nothing, poor slaves and rotters indeed!!

Slaves! You feckless idiots of servitude. Wake the fuck up! Played as pieces on a chess or Parcheesi board. Game pieces you all, foul urgency. Suck your sanguine liquid from bottles and cans like a lost newborn suckles a hind less bitches teat, indifferent to mother; bleddy cunts indeed! I hate you as much as I hate myself. Was the marquis so very wrong bastards? There is no redemption here.

You should be subjected to the gaol where you rightly are currently serving, your souls lost forever on the rocks of a New England ocean front smashing your hopes. MASTERLESS!
Where’s your high priestess of pop music and domination now? It wouldn’t be the first Swift to fuck the world over. Butchers and slaughterhouses and sausages of putrefaction (mechanically separated carcasses served as food.) A cruel witch to suck your blood and life force from you. Slaves revolts!! Or be condemned – bovine fools!